WFRP has long been known as a game with dedicated supporters, and the fans have been known for the excellent supplemental material they produce. Today, most of the limelight goes to contributions to the second edition of the game, but it is important to remember that the production and distribution of high quality fan material isn’t a recent development. For as long as there has been an Internet, it seems that there has been first class rules and background released online by fans. One place to go for high quality material for WFRPv1 is the
Strike to Stun website. This site, which has one of the best site names in WFRP fandom, contains a download page with links to the Strike to Stun fanzine, but also a link to one of the real gems of the site; the sourcebook Monastic Life in the Old World, written by Natascha Chrobok.
Click here to go to the downloads page of Strike to Stun, and click the download link next to Monastic Orders.
Although the sourcebook was written with WFRPv1 in mind, it contains much that is useful for players of any version of the game. It contains background info, new careers, new skills, details on religious orders and a bunch of NPCs. It might not fit every Game Master out there, but for anyone wishing to add depth and colour to their own Old World, this sourcebook is a true Best of the Fans effort!