WFRP: Charts and Tables (2)

A new table to roll for whenever you need a random city watch encounter! I will go from rolling a d10 to a d6, partly to make it easier for me to write the tables, but also to make the odds of running into the same Watchman in different situations higher. Therefore, some Watchmen in the Universität Bezirk have been transferred from the Niederhafen Bezirk, which means I will be updating that random table later.
Yeah, it’s also because I’m lazy. So sue me!

City Watch in Universität Bezirk

If the characters call for the City Watch in the Universität Bezirk, roll a d6 and consult the following table.

1. Altdorf’s shortest Watchman, Kleine Hermann, saunters up to the characters, nonchalantly chewing tobacco and gobbing at their feet. Half competent, but needs convincing to engage.
2. Gerke and Otto come running. Curt and effective Watchmen, they are loathe to take any action without first calling in reinforcements (roll another d6, reroll any result of 2).
3. First nothing happens. Then after some time, Uto, Urban and Viktor show up. They are three enthusiastic young Watchmen without any experience or useful skills. They are eager to help, but are more likely to make any situation worse with their efforts.
4. Gottwin, Horst and Holger marches up to the characters. They are dressed in perfect uniforms, their helmets are polished to a shine and they carry out their duties with military precision. If they have any fault it’s the fact that they don’t really listen to what people are telling them, unless the person in question is a higher ranked individual (professional or social rank).

5. Joshua and Maria turns up, filled with energy and anxiety. They are students at the University and work as Watchmen in their spare time to raise money for the education. Inexperienced but very, very smart. Probably too smart, since they tend to overthink even the smallest crime. Their wild theories are often entertaining, but seldom correct. 


WFRP: Help wanted (19)

“Have lost heirloom in River Reik. Dropped from Reiksbrücke. Will pay 100 Gold Crowns for retrieval. Contact Jürgen Vasser at the Hangman’s Tavern.”
– A difficult job indeed. Notice posted at several inns along the river Reik.

This little job could open up for splendid opportunities for the players to show their ingenuity. Will they try to find a submersible boat? Or invent a diving bell? Or simply dive from a boat? And what is it that’s been lost? It might indeed be Herr Vasser’s heirloom, but more probably something he has stolen. Maybe from a mage?
So decide what’s been lost, toss this note out to the players and things will roll along nicely from there. Don’t forget that the Niederhafen Pike should play a part in this adventure!

WFRP: Scenic views of Altdorf

On this page I have gathered all black and white pictures that I have keyed to places in Altdorf. If you are strapped for inspiration when describing the city to your players, just pop into this page and describe what you see in one or more of the pictures.

The North Gate.

View of the Königstrasse, seen from the North Gate.

The University.

Inside the Temple of Sigmar.
Die Volksoper.
Otto Stierne’s Observatory.
One of many minor bridges around the Eastender Bridge. These smaller bridges often lead
to equally small islands located in the Reik.
Reiksport Bezirk, as viewed when entering Altdorf from the north.