After hearing that dreadful sermon where the accursed zealot painted such a vivid picture of the Kingdoms of Sin, the realms of torture reserved for all who sin against the pure and true order of the world, I have seen references to these dreadful lands crop up all over Altdorf. These are small references, a sculpture here, a gargoyle with a curious shape, a vegetable grown to a deformed size, it’s everywhere! And then I saw the painting. The dreadful painting. It’s simply called Primus, and shows the Fickle Judge presiding over the sinners, and in the far distance, the Kingdoms of Sin themselves.

I am loath to reveal the placement of this blight on our culture, but suffice it to say that I will talk to the University faculty to have it removed from our grounds, and burnt for the sin it depicts!
Adolphus Altdorfer
Bezahltag, Sigmarzeit 21, 2523 IC
Hieronymus Bosch was a painter of the bizarre and extraordinary, and as such, his paintings provide much inspiration for the WFRP world. Wikipedia gives us this summary:
Hieronymus Bosch; birth name Jeroen Anthoniszoon van Aken (c. 1450 – August 9, 1516) was an Early Netherlandish painter of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Many of his works depict sin and human moral failings. Bosch used images of demons, half-human animals and machines to evoke fear and confusion to portray the evil of man. The works contain complex, highly original, imaginative, and dense use of symbolic figures and iconography, some of which was obscure even in his own time.
A list of his works can be found here!