Adolphus Altdorfer
Angestag, Nachexen 3, 2522 IC
So what is this Bezirk thing that Adolphus goes on about? Well, in Alfred Nünez’s document about Altdorf a host of districts are identified and described. They offer a great way of getting to know Altdorf, and a great way to for the players to quickly get a grip of what can be found where. For example there is the University District, the Palace District and so on. And slums of course. The districts themselves will what I are most likely to place there in regards to buildings, shops and people, but also the response levels of the City Watch and the relative risks of muggings or other … accidents.
And Bezirk is simply the german word for District. So I just continued on the route suggested by Nünez and appended all names to sound more german, ending up with this list:
1. Amtsbezirk – Civic District
2. Bankbezirk – Banking or Financial District
3. Domplatz Bezirk – Cathedral or Religious District
4. Drecksack Bezirk – Wretched Slum District
5. Friedwang Bezirk – Scholar’s District
6. Metallschlack Bezirk – Engineer’s and Metalworker’s District
7. Morrwies Bezirk – Realm of Morr District
8. Niederhafen Bezirk – Dockside District
9. Obereik Bezirk – Upper Reik or Minor Noble District
10. Oberhausen Bezirk – Upper Class District
11. Palast Bezirk – Palace District
12. Reikerbahn Bezirk – Lower Class District
13. Reikhoch Bezirk – Old Town District
14. Reikmarkt – South Market District
15. Sindelfingen Bezirk – Sewer or Slum District
16. Süderich Bezirk – Middle Class District
17. Universität Bezirk – University District
18. Werksviertel Bezirk – Manufacturing or Worker Class District
19. Tempelplatz – Temple Square
20. Kaiserliche Palast – The Imperial Palace
