WFRP: Gossip (13)

“The church of Sigmar is planning a crusade against Araby! I’ve heard that they’re looking for able-bodied men who will all be made Knights and given land and gold as soon as they land on the heathen shores. If we enlist, we’re sure to come out on top!”

– Two young men of the working class contemplating their future career prospects at The Cowardly Tilean in the Niederhafen Bezirk

WFRP: Gossip (12)

“The pies sold in the Bankbezirk are full of rat and dog meat!”

– A pie seller in the Universität Bezirk revealing a dreadful secret while hawking his own premium pork pies.

WFRP: Gossip (11)

“Don’t pay the ferryman until he gets you to the other side! It is true what they say, you know … one of the boatsmen ferrying people across the Reik is a cursed revenant who will drown you halfway over the Reik if you pay him before you’ve reached the other shore! So, don’t pay the ferryman! You’ll use the bridge up ahead, good sire, if you know what’s good for you. That’s the truth, may Stormfels send his Kraken to take me if I’m lying!”

– Superstitious sailor besieging me to use the Ostlander Brücke instead of one of the thousands of small boats crossing the Reik.