Today I ventured forth to break my fast at The Cowardly Tilean. It is a rough and tumble place, where many sailors gather to drink and sing and fight. It is also a place where much gossip is circulated, many times shouted over the top of the seamens’ lungs, bawdy tales of inappropriate nature. As is the custom of this place, I was served smoked herring, bread, an onoin and an apple, washed down with a small jug of wine. All this for only a handful of pennies and it stood me until lunch! I picked up many interesting tidbits I intend to investigate further, as well.

Adolphus Altdorfer
Bezahltag, Vorgeheim 12, 2523 IC

Adolphus Altdorfer
Bezahltag, Vorgeheim 12, 2523 IC