WFRP: Proclamation (2)

“Hear! Hear! Let it be known that our Imperial Administration has uncovered counterfeit coinage in circulation within our capital! Let all be reminded that the punishment for dealing in counterfeit coinage is loss of one limb per gold coin handled, up until the removal of the head!”

– Heard from town crier outside the Imperial Mercantile Bank, in the Bankbezirk

Counterfeiting is a terrible crime in the Empire. The authorities does its best to keep any outbreaks of fake currency as isolated as possible, mostly by chopping of people’s limbs if they peddle forged coins. Still, it can be very difficult to trace the occasional forgery back to its source. Just possessing a bad Karl won’t be enough to condemn a man, but it will be enough to render him a good thrashing as part of him aiding the Watch in their inquiries.

Offloading a bunch of fake coins on the adventurers can be a good way to start an adventure. If not for anything else, once they discover that they have been set up and realise the danger they’re in, they will be aching to track down the culprit and hand him over to the authorities … in bits and pieces. And given that this is WFRP, most players will also ponder the potential use of hundreds of fake gold coins …which reminds of an old adage which should fit the occasion.

“Give a man enough rope and he’ll hang himself.”


Proclamation (1)

“Hear! Hear! Let it be known that due to unknown and unforseen circumstances regarding the capital’s sewers, temporary conditions have given rise to a dramatic increase in the number of rats in Altdorf. Remember the bounty on rats, 3p per tail over a foot, 1p for the rest! And don’t forget to get a cat!”

– Heard from town crier at the Talabecplatz, Werksviertel Bezirk

Not surprisingly the rat problem is labled by the authorities as a temporary problem, but the truth is that it is a larger threat than that. The population of Altdorf is swelling from day to day, even though many refugees are not allowed entry to the city. The new comers are often quite poor, don’t have a permanent place to stay, and are weak from the hardships endured during their flight from the Storm of Chaos. Add to this that the sewer system is often rudimentary at best, and non-existent at worst. Much of the filth generated by the population is deposited in the gutters, to be carried away by gong farmers or by rain.

This combines to create a situatione which is beneficial to the rats, and they multiply in large numbers. And with this legion of rats in the sewers comes the threat of mutation among the rats, producing even more bizarre strains and threats to the city’s beleaguered poor.
