FAL News: Deathwatch RPG announced
In a surprise move FFG yesterday announced the Deathwatch RPG, the third installment of the WH40kRP line.
The reason I am surprised is that the timing seems odd. I was expecting it a bit later, after Rogue Trade picked up steam and got a few more supplements added to the lineup. But maybe this was needed after those pictures from GW revealed a bit more than they should last week.
Still, I think it is tremendously exciting, and I’m hoping that I can find some energy to run a Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/Deathwatch crossover some time next summer. Given I get some interest from my players for such a setup of course.
FAL News: One Ring to Rule them All
It looks like it’ll use a new system, but apart from that there’s not much to be gleaned from the press release. Apart from the name, which is The One Ring: The Lord of the Rings® Role-playing Game, complete with an awkward ® screwing things up.
Still, I’m looking forward learning more about the game, and the inevitable discussions about whether a LOTR RPG will have the power to wrest customers from the almighty juggernaut that is D&D:
One Game to rule them all
One Game to find them
One Game to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them
In the land of Renton where the shadows lie.
Nah, kidding. I play D&D4e, and it’s great fun. I hope The One Ring: The Lord of the Rings® Role-playing Game can be great fun as well.