Will the player characters respond to the call for help? Anna Shipulin and Anton Trotter is supposed to be married as soon as Anton earns enough money for them to move from Drecksack to Sindelfingen district. But now he is gone! Anton has a penchant for get rich quick schemes, but he invariably fails and ends up with nothing but dreams of a better life for him, his fiance and his crippled mother. But how will the players react? There’s not much money in a mission like this … unless Anton’s disappearance is a part of a much greater enigma!
WFRP: Help wanted (21)
“My Anton is missing! He hasn’t been home for a week, and his mother is sick and needs his care. He went to work for The Fish at the dockside but now he’s gone! Please, anyone, can anyone help!”
– A distraught young woman pleading for help in the Drecksack Bezirk.