WFRP: Best of the fans (9)

This spring the A to Z blogging challenge was brought to my attention. I could never ever in my imagination seeing myself contributing to posting one post every day, for a month. So I wrote it off.

Then Tim at Another Caffienated Day showed me how it’s done! He stepped up to the plate, and delivered 26 blog posts, from A to Z, about WFRP.

A mighty deed, indeed. Impressive and invigorating. And absolutely worthy of a Best of the Fans mention!

But I have to beat an old drum of mine. Hearing from readers is one of the most fun parts of writing a blog, and if you drop by and read Tim’s posts, drop him a “hello” and “well played, good chap” or what passses as a cheer in your part of the world.

For I would very much like him to continue blogging, even if it’s not one post a day. So remember Another Caffienated Day when you think about what’s the best among WFRP fans. 


WFRP: Best of the Fans (8)

This time around I’m going to highlight a WFRP fan for the second time. The first time was when he was awarded with a Best of the Fans post for his immensely cool WFRP fan site, Kalevalahammer.
This time around I’m going to give a shout out to Jackdays for his map of Nuln, which he keeps updating and releasing to us fans all over the world. It is a dashing companion to my own iAltdorf project, and fans of any edition is bound to find it very useful if you plan on running a game in Nuln, like e.g. Forges of Nuln.
And remember that the best payback a fan can get is if you give feedback on his work! So get thee hence to a WFRP forum of your choice and start telling Jackdays that his map rocks and pummel him with awesome ideas!

WFRP: Best of the Fans (7)

As I am the creator of the iAltdorf map (which you really should check out if you haven’t done so yet), I don’t think anyone will be surprised to learn that I like maps. I have longed for an atlas of the WFRP world for ever and ever, even though I know it’s just a pipe dream. But once again, like so many times before, the fans of the game comes to rescue. MadAlfred (interviewed recently at TAC) has devoted time to create accurate maps for the WFRP game. These maps were then turned into pieces of art by talented and generous cartographer Andreas Blicher, also known as Black Spectrum. This combination of talent has yielded some of the best maps for any roleplaying game out there. And they are all available online!

Click here for Black Spectrum’s maps!

So it’s not difficult to name these contributions to the game a Best of the Fans achievement!
